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The Living Matrix

The Living Matrix

This is going to be a quick blog. I’ve been asking for guidance and clarity around a few areas in my life and then as if from thin air I came across this new document film last night. I was tired and wasn’t going to watch it because it was almost 1-1/2 hours, and then I decide to start watching and I was HOOKED! What I realized once I completed watching the documentary is that many of the answers to my questions for guidance were answered in this film.

This film highlights recent breakthroughs and research into energetic healing and self-healing phenomena and recent research and clinical studies which have been and are being performed as I speak.

If you have things on your mind that you would like to get clarity on, do yourself a favor and watch this documentary film of some of the worlds top medical and energetic doctors, philosophers, educators and practitioners. Here is the link to watch the video or you can click on the video below.

The Living Matrix documentary film

Thanks and be well,

Jennifer Dickens


Jennifer Dickens

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